Fasting as A Preventive Methode for Diabetes Mellitus Type 2

In the human digestive tract there are epithelial cells, which help the absorption of food. One of the populations that exist within the epithelial cells are enteroendocrine cells (EE). These cells produce a complex of certain hormones that play a role in the regulation and integration aspects of the physiology of the digestive tract and the body. There are 16 types of EE cell subpopulations based on primary secretion, the K cells and L cells. K cells secrete cells Glucosedependent insulinotropic Polipeptide (GIP). whereas L cells secrete Glucagon Like Peptide-1 (GLP-1). Both are major classes of incretin hormones acting on the system axis enteroinsular. Enteroinsular axis is a system between the hormones in the gastrointestinal system which affecting a hormone produced by the pancreas.
GIP secretion is stimulated by input of food into the digestive tract. There are a variety of substances that can stimulate the release of GIP, glucose, protein hydrolysis, specific amino acid and fat. In addition, gastrin releasing peptide (GRP) also stimulates GIP expenditure. However, interest thing is spending turns GIP also stimulates GLP-1. GIP increase proinsulin gene transcription and translation after binding to the receptor GIPR through increased cAMP. In addition, GIP also acts as a growth factor for pancreatic beta cells and as an anti opoptosis.
Who believers, fasting is obligatory upon you as required on those before you, that you be cautious. [QS Al-Baqarah: 183]
Fasting for one month (Ramadhan) according to Islamic rules will result in the EE cell populations are not used optimally so that will reduce the amount of EE cell populations. With a decrease in EE cell populations, the GIP and GLP-1 produced in the future will be a little later. This will hinder stimulation and hyperplasia of pancreatic beta cells, which in turn will prevent hyperinsulinemia. Prevention of hyperinsulinemia would hinder the emergence of insulin resistance and glucose intolerance because of the major factors that lead to development of insulin resistance is hyperinsulinemia. In addition, a decrease in the production of GIP also reduce the incidence of obesity because GIP resulted in the accumulation of fat in adipocytes by increasing fatty acid synthesis and increases the activity of lipoprotein lipase. This effect will be very useful in preventing the onset of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus as one of the predisposing factors of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is obesity. So, fasting resulted in a reduction in EE cell populations in the digestive tract so that it will reduce the production of GIP and GLP-1.
From Sahl ibn Sa'd, He said: "That the Propet had said: 'Quite good people that always hasten to break (while fasting)" (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)

Dawn (Sahur) and break their time savings update function used in the work and supply the body with essential amino acids and fatty acids are the principal can not be produced in the cell. He also supplies the daily requirement include some lean body vitamins, minerals, and elements that can only be obtained from food. Therefor, humans are actually able to be fasting throughout the year without any risks threatening the life, as long as it is consistent with the model of the Islamic fasting is dawn and breaking.
Love of God to man requires the obligation of fasting is only for one month in a year. Beyond that, people are given the freedom to run the sunnah fasts are recommended prophet like fasting three days each month (ayyamul bidh), fasting Monday and Thursday of each week, the month of fasting six days in Syawal, the fast of 'Asyura, etc.

The important thing that God required time period of fasting from dawn until sunset is enough time to pump up the performance of the entire vital biological processes in the human body. Exceed the time limit would pose a heavy burden and fatigue. Hence the Prophet forbid wishal fasting, namely hunger and thirst for more than one day. Wishal fasting can actually destroy the tissues to then also disturb the energy balance in the body and dangerous. *God the One Who Knows.

*pernah dipublikasikan di majalah Nabawi edisi 105
